The Genre:
The genre is a neo noir thriller, a neo noir is a movie with the conventions of a noir film but is filmed in present day, it may be sent in the past or pay homage to the typical noir films. We have the theme of crime in our film, this is heavily featured in noir films.The Audience:
The particular demographic we are aiming for is a males aged 25-40 as we feel this group will be most interested and enjoy our film the most. We feel as our film has a serious and mature storyline this particular audience are able to concentrate more and understand the characters and their motives, narrative and the style best.Institution:
The institutions we were thinking of showing our film were:Streaming Online:
We decided that if we were to stream it would be easy for our audience to access our film anytime they like, they can also access our film and many others for free on thier ipods, ipads and computers.
Picture House Cinema:
Or shown in a picture house cinema which is a network of art house cinemas in the U.K, they are usually small cinema's with smaller screens, more comfortable and better quality seating with a classical look to it. Picture house cinemas also show more varied, arty and alternative films which the larger cinemas would not choose to show. Our ots would be shown here as it does not have the quality's to be shown in a known cinema such as vue or odeon on a big screen because our ots does not include close ups and does not show expressions and feelings on the actors face which is very common in a cinema screening and also the lighting is extremely dark and dull which is not common in a recently made film aimed for the cinema franchise.
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